A new world awaits to be discovered
Our work begins with the Blockchain DNS or BDNS, which is a new Domain Name System built upon the decentralized ledger of Alterdot. We believe everyone has the right to an internet identity that is affordable and resistant to censorship and that is where the blockchain and IPFS technologies come together. What makes these two technologies so powerful is their innate peer-to-peer nature which is in contrast to the current way we do websites.
Over time we plan to develop an entire ecosystem of tools and applications that will allow everyone to expand the decentralized web. Come join us in this endeavour!

CPU & GPU Proof-of-Work
CPU & GPU Proof-of-Work
The hashing algorithm currently being used for mining Alterdot is Argon2d16000, a memory-intensive variant of Argon2d which is ASIC-free. We plan on bringing back CPU friendly mining in the near future.
Our network is reinforced by a system of Masternodes which are a series of Alterdot nodes running at all times that sustain services like InstantSend. A new tier of Masternodes will be introduced in the future with new features such as website hosting through IPFS.
InstantSend & Mixing
InstantSend & Mixing
Alterdot benefits from instant transactions that are signed and verified by a quorum of Masternodes. Mixing or CoinJoin is also supported by our Masternode network.
Blockchain DNS
Blockchain DNS
One of the main features of Alterdot is the ability to register a domain name on our blockchain which can point to any content you prefer, be it an Alterdot or Bitcoin address, an IPFS content identifier, an IP or a simple message. The main usage for our BDNS is intended to be the registration of IPFS websites.
Browser Extension
Browser Extension
The Alterdot browser extension is one of our main products as it is the main facilitator of the Alterdot web. The extension allows for blockchain domain name resolution and limited wallet functionality which is realized with the help of an Alterdot node that is run locally. A light wallet functionality will also be introduced in the future.
Open Development
Open Development
All of our code is open source and we plan to maintain an Open Development policy. We want our community to be part of the process as this project is meant to be empowering Internet users and people in general and that cannot be done without their input.

The Alterdot Network
ADOT / Domain
Registering a domain name on the Alterdot blockchain is one of the most affordable solutions of its kind.
Domains Registered
Establish your presence on the Alterdot web and register your preferred domains today!
Masternodes support a series of features built on top of Alterdot. Host a Masternode and help our network grow!
InstantSend allows for very fast processing of transactions.

Change of consensus algorithmsIn January of 2021 we made the switch to the Argon2d16000 Poof-of-Work mining algorithm which highly increases the memory cost and favors CPU miners. A few months later we also changed our difficulty retargeting algorithm to LWMA which proves to be one of the most efficient algorithms of its kind.
Major codebase upgradeAlterdot was previously known as Bitcreds, and before that as Credits. Both of them were built upon older codebases from Dash and Dynamic that today would be outdated. Once Alterdot was launched on the 17th of June 2021 our codebase had been upgraded, bringing us in line with much newer code from Dash.
Beginning of the BlockchainDNSWith the launch of Alterdot, the initial version of our BlockchainDNS was released and with it the registration of domains became available. The main use cases we are looking to develop involve tying these domains together with IPFS content identifiers but it is possible to register anything under a domain name.
Deterministic MasternodesOne of the most significant changes brought by the upgraded codebase is the Deterministic Masternodes system which stores functional information on-chain rather than individually on each Masternode as was the case with the old system. This change leads to a more secure and predictable system.
Long-Living Masternode QuorumsThe Masternode network is expanded with a new functionality which implies the formation of quorums or sets of Masternodes that work together towards accomplishing certain tasks. After a quorum has been successfully created, it remains active for several hours or days.
Browser Extension and WebsiteOur browser extension and website represent main facillitators of the Alterdot ecosystem as they include features that enable accessing our decentralized web through blockchain domain name resolution and more.
Activation of ChainLocksChainLocks represent a protection mechanism against 51% attacks that makes use of the Masternode network. Quorums of Masternodes start collectively signing past blocks which are then recognized by the rest of the network as secure since they can no longer be reorganized.
Insight Explorer and APIThe Insight block explorer and API includes several important features that our current main explorer is lacking. Having those features allows for further development and expansion of the Alterdot ecosystem in the area of web applications.
Alterdot IPFS GatewayThe IPFS infrastructure currently available for free on the internet is maintained by numerous organizations. We are going to contribute by maintaining a public gateway ourselves since building on top of a technology also implies becoming part of it.
We are hereLight WalletThe browser extension will be further expanded to include light wallet functionalities such as coin transfers and domain name management. In the initial version of the extension these operations are possible only if a full Alterdot wallet is running locally.
Introduction of AlternodesAlternodes will be introduced as a second tier of Masternodes, having higher specifications. They will be running IPFS clients and they will allow for pinning IPFS content that resides under Alterdot domains. Alternodes will be the building block of our decentralized hosting solution.
Search EngineA search engine for blockchain domain names will be created in order to easily find and discover Alterdot websites. Coupled with this, we will be looking into the creation a tagging system for websites in order to realize even more efficient queries.
Content FilteringThe content hosted under Alterdot domains has to be resistant to censorship but at the same time, our network should never become a harbor for criminal activities. This is why we will implement a decentralized ticketing system that rewards people for reporting and removing illegal content.
New Desktop WalletA new desktop wallet will be created with the capability of running either in full or light mode. Extended functionalities related to accessing and managing Alterdot domains will also be included.
Wrapping AlterdotIn order to give everyone an easy, secure and decentralized means of exchanging Alterdot into any other cryptocurrency or token, we are looking forward to create an easy-to-use tool for wrapping Alterdot on other blockchains such as Ethereum.
All-in-One ApplicationFacilitating the usage of the Alterdot web can be made easiest by packing together many of our previously created tools and services. This leads to the creation of an all-encompassing application fully integrated with Alterdot and IPFS nodes.
Complete DecentralizationReaching complete decentralization of the web as we know it implies creating a solution for secure data storage and processing resembling traditional Backend infrastructure through IPFS, Smart Contracts and Alternodes.
Website TemplatesOne of the main end products that we have planned for the Alterdot ecosystem is an array of customizable templates for decentralized websites ranging from e-commerce to general data administration and more.